Referring Veterinarians

OPEN 24/7 - 365 DAYS

Our Main Goal Is To Support You

We are available 24/7/365 and always happy to consult on cases via phone. Our Naples animal ER is always staffed by experienced emergency doctors and are happy to walk you through emergent cases as well as discuss the transfer of your patient to our facility and a plan for their ongoing care.

Our “Refer a Patient” form allows you to fill out all pertinent information and upload any pertinent patient records or diagnostics. The amazing pet surgeons in our Naples emergency vet clinic are always on by to serve you and your pet.

We always appreciate a call about patients you are sending to our pet emergency hospital so we can best prepare for their arrival.

Refer a patient

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.

Services Offered

We are a 24/7 full – service veterinary emergency hospital with a wide range of capabilities. Please call us if you have any questions.


Full in – house diagnostics



  • CBC, Chemistry, Coagulation panels, Snap testing (Parvo, Lepto, cPL / fPL, FeLV/ FIV, Cortisol)
  • Digital radiographs with radiologist stat review (results within 30 – 60 minutes)
  • Ultrasound – We perform point of care exams best

All of our doctors have training in assessment of the thorax and abdominal cavity for free fluid and large masses. If you are seeking a full abdominal ultrasound and work-up we recommend seeking specialty care.

Emergent Procedures

  • Laceration / wound repairs, urinary unblocking and hospitalization, stabilization of fractures (we do
  • not perform orthopedic surgery)
  • Hospitalization and stabilization with 24/7 veterinary care
  • Blood transfusions (pRBCs + Plasma)
  • Antivenin / snake bites
  • Oxygen Cages for oxygen dependent cases
  • Surgical Intervention

A veterinarian capable and proficient in emergent surgeries is always available. All of our veterinarians have had extensive training in veterinary surgical intervention.


We are not board certified surgeons.


Our veterinarians are proficient in the following surgery types



  • Pyometra
  • C-section
  • GI surgery / Foreign body
  • Cystotomy
  • Splenectomy
  • Dehiscence surgeries

We aim to collaborate…


Please let us know how we can support you and your practice best. 


We are locally owned and operated by experienced emergency veterinarians. 


Serving our community’s pets is our top priority and we welcome feedback aimed at achieving this goal.

Naples Pet Emergency Hospital

Our Location